MOXYLOC-CV-625 | Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid Tablets

  • Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid Tablets

Brand Name : MOXYLOC-CV-625

Amoxycillin 500mg + Clavulanic Acid 125mg Tablets

Product Description

Amoxycillin & Potassium Clavulanate Tablets – Get rid of stubborn bacterial infections with a combination of Amoxicillin and Potassium Clavulanate Tablets. This combination medicine is an effective formula to treat a wide range of bacterial infections including pneumonia, bronchitis, urinary tract infections, and infections of the skin. With the brand name MOXYLOC-CV-625, these tablets are manufactured and delivered by the Best Amoxicillin and Potassium Clavulanate Tablets, Medlock Healthcare.

These tablets are a combination of two medications; Amoxicillin and Potassium Clavulanate that together helps the patient to discard bacterial infections.

Amoxicillin: Amoxicillin in these tablets comes from a class of medications called penicillin-like antibiotics that works by fighting the bacteria and stopping them from forming a cell wall that is required for the bacteria to carry out their activities for a long time in the body.

Potassium Clavulanate (Clavulanic Acid): Potassium Clavulanate or Clavulanic Acid belongs to beta-lactamase inhibitors that restrict the bacteria from destroying amoxicillin and stopping its operations.

Points to Note Down while Taking Amoxicillin & Potassium Clavulanate Tablets

It is obvious to use medicine with complete carefulness and under the directions of a healthcare professional for its optimum benefits. In the same way, if you are taking Amoxicillin & Potassium Clavulanate Tablets, you must keep in mind some necessary instructions for better results. Here are the instructions associated with this medicine:

  1. Take Amoxicillin & Potassium Clavulanate Tablets until you finish the prescribed dosage, even if you feel relief. Stopping it too soon may not treat the infection completely and the bacteria may get opposing to antibiotics.
  2. Take this medicine regularly at evenly spaced times for better results.
  3. Keep the water intake high and remain hydrated while using these tablets to avoid beating the side effects associated with this medicine.
  4. Do not skip any dosage of Amoxicillin 500mg + Clavulanic Acid 125mg Tablets in between the cycle and carry out the complete course without any skips.

Safety Measures to Pursue Better Results

In order to keep yourself away from any harmful side effects and get the maximum benefit from Amoxicillin & Potassium Clavulanate Tablets, you must be aware of certain things for safe consumption. Have a look at the safety tips discussed below:

  1. Inform your doctor or healthcare provider if you are allergic to Amoxicillin, Clavulanic Acid, Penicillin, or any of the ingredients present in these tablets. You can ask for a list of ingredients from the doctor to assure if you are safe from the ingredients.
  2. Avoid consuming alcoholic drinks while taking Amoxicillin & Potassium Clavulanate Tablets as Alcohol may lead to a negative effect on the correct absorption of the drug and can make the infection worse.
  3. Do not take these medicines if you are breastfeeding a baby without consulting the doctor. The medicine may pass into the milk and can harm both the mother and the baby.
  4. Never take more or less than the prescribed dosage of this medicine.

Side Effects

Amoxicillin & Potassium Clavulanate Tablets are actually safe to use and does not unknowingly harm the patient. On the other side, any misuse or overdose of this medicine can invite unwanted side effects to the body. These side effects can range from mild to severe but usually mild. The side effects associated with these tablets are as follows:

  1. Diarrhea
  2. Vomiting
  3. Upset Stomach
  4. Mild Skin Rash


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